CO² – Understanding for Planted Aquariums
The majority of
aquarists tend to shy away from any article that smacks of chemistry or
science — and this is no less so when it comes to understanding why we
need CO2 to have thriving planted tanks. But understand it, we must, or
we risk losing all the time, effort and money we put into our carefully,
lovingly aquascaped tanks.
So let me start with this quote from the famed aquarium artist, Takashi Amano, who said:
“We have to remember that we either live in nature, or not at all. Through building and maintaining beautiful natural aquaria, people relearn the intricate connections between forms of life: plants, fish, micro-organisms and humans. Riches and beauty come from harmony, from balance. Aquaria are great teachers of this truth.”
You may well want to want to ask, what
on earth does this have to do with CO², or carbon dioxide? Well, it has
everything to do with creating, or at least mimicking Nature in our planted aquaria.
So let me promise to make this as easy as is possible, even for those of you who hate chemistry, or science.
Why CO²?
The reality is that all life on earth is
based on one fundamental element: Carbon. Without carbon, we would not
exist — and neither would plants. The difference is that unlike us,
plants have no way of getting to their food sources. They have to obtain
their nutrients from their surrounding environment.
Plants use many macro and
micro-nutrients, but carbon dioxide (CO²) is beyond any doubt the most
important of all plant macro-nutrients essential to their survival. Without sufficient CO2, plants cannot photosynthesize,
or convert light into energy-rich sugars, starches and all the other
carbon-containing molecules that constitute a plant, nor can they
produce new leaves and roots.
In nature this is no problem, but in the
closed system of an aquarium we are faced with several factors we need
to overcome to be successful. These are: Light, CO², micro-nutrients (or
trace elements), and macro-nutrients.
We usually manage to supply an adequate
amount of micro and macro-nutrients via fish waste and the addition of
fertilizers. This leaves us with solving the problems of light and CO².
Plants use the process of photosynthesis to produce the carbohydrates they need for life. But photosynthesis requires light for energy — and CO2 to drive the chemical reactions.
The process of photosynthesis also requires a specific threshold in
light energy to start the process of photosynthesis. In other words, the
light we supply must reach aspecific point of intensity, because if the light in our tanks is not bright enough, photosynthesis will not occur.
If our lights provide an intensity beyond that point (of bright enough) to some higher light level, photosynthesis will become progressively faster.
Theoretically, this should mean that plants will grow and flourish
faster. And yes they would — however, at this point, for most
aquariums, supplementary CO² is required to keep on driving the process.
Paradoxical as it may sound, this is
also true for the opposite : If you do not have enough bright light, you
need to supplement with CO2, if you hope to promote growth. I will
explain this a little later.
So, yes, you can grow aquatic plants
without CO² — but only up to a point. You will never attain the vigorous
plant growth and luxurious foliage that is characteristic of a CO²
supplemented tank — or the added benefit of little or no algae —
without CO² dosing.
Understand that there is always CO² in
our planted aquariums — even without us adding it by mechanical means.
Fish ‘exhale’ CO² from their gills. Also, when we aerate our tanks
(which you should not be doing in a planted tank!), CO², as well as
oxygen is derived from the atmosphere and dissolved in the water because
of a natural process called atmospheric equilibrium.
In nature, however, CO² levels are
usually much higher than can be explained by animal respiration or
atmospheric equilibrium alone — and true aquatic plants have evolved to this higher concentration of dissolved CO² in water. Unlike
terrestrial plants, which absorb CO2 from the air through their
stomata, aquatic plants take up CO2 directly from the water by passive
diffusion. In fact, their evolution as water inhabitants delivered them
with epidermis cells that contain chloroplasts, since this reduces the
distance from their CO2 source to their photosynthesizing cells and
their energy processes. The reason for this is that groundwater
rich with Carbon dioxide often feeds the streams and water habitats of
true aquatic plants, and in these habitats natural concentrations of CO²
up to several hundred times atmospheric equilibrium are common.
In general, aquatic plants therefore not
only like, but actually prefer an environment with approximately a
concentration of 10-15ppm (part per million) of dissolved CO². In
contrast, in atmospheric equilibrium, the CO2 levels are generally no higher than 2-3ppm. So, as you can logically conclude from this, CO2 injection is essential for vigorous aquatic plant growth, and even more so with higher light levels!
But what does this mean for the fish in our planted tanks?
Since our fish depend on a CO²
concentration differential between the levels in their blood and the
levels in the water to transfer gases via expiration through their
gills, high levels in the water will reduce the amount of CO² that can
be transferred. So, theoretically, high concentrations of CO² in the
water could block the CO² respiration of fish and therefore could cause
oxygen starvation. But this is unlikely to ever be a problem if your
plants are flourishing and your CO² is dosed properly. It is proven
fact that a concentration below 30ppm is safe for fish. (The recommended
rate is 15–30 mg/L.)
Also, there is a common misconception that water can hold only so much dissolved gas, and that adding CO2 will displace the oxygen in the water. This is not true. In fact, if enough CO2 and light is present to enable vigorous photosynthesis, oxygen levels in the water can reach 120% of saturation. This is even so at night, when the plants stop using CO2 and start using oxygen: the oxygen levels will stay about the same as in a typical non-planted aquarium.
A word of important advice here: If you
have any air pump in your planted tank, switch it off! In fact, retire
your air pump entirely. It cannot be emphasized enough that an air pump should never be part of a planted aquarium. The function of an air pump is to supply oxygen (O²) to fish and/or invertebrates in aquaria that have no sustainable oxygen production from aquatic plants.
In all planted aquaria, there should be more than sufficient oxygen for
both fish and invertebrates, even at night when there is no
photosynthesis. When plants, fish and invertebrates respire during the
night, CO² is produced and dissolves readily in the water. This CO² is
then used in photosynthesis by the plants once the light is switched on
the next morning. If you have a running air pump, the CO² is de-gassed
to the air — in the same way carbonic acid is lost from a soda or beer
can when shaken. Now, that is really counter-productive, considering we
are trying to get CO² into the aquarium, not out!
The relationship between light and CO²
The relationship between light and CO²
levels is important. If an aquarium has low light and low CO², there is
very little energy to play around with for the fluctuating up and down
processes nature uses to regulate the pools of chlorophyll or enzymes
contained in a plant. So when we add a little CO² to the low light
system, the plant needs less energy and resources to uptake CO², leaving
it more energy to optimise its use of the available light for its
photosynthesis. Thus it can produce chlorophyll without any fatal
consequences for its energy. This means that even though we have not
raised the light intensity, the plant can now use the available light
more efficiently.
We can use exactly the same explanation to understand why an increased light intensity can stimulate growth even at very low CO2 concentrations.
Because there is more light available, the plant needs to spend less
energy on using the light to photosynthesise, leaving the freed-up
energy to more efficiently extract the CO² available in the water.
In Nature there is always a constant
play between using what is available and the eternal choice between
processes, and to to what extent an organism’s life energy is expanded
to which process, in order to secure its survival. Life wants to live.
This is no different in the case of aquatic plants.
The logical conclusion that
must follow the two explanations above, is that an increase in lighting
and the addition of a CO² infusion should lead to a flourishing planted
tank. This is because all the energy freed-up in this case can now be
invested in growth.
While we can easily provide macro and
micro-nutrients to our plants with commercially available fertilizers,
it is often a more difficult and expensive task to provide adequate light over the planted aquarium.
Provided they are meant for plants, both
fluorescent light and halide lamps in sufficient numbers will produce a
sufficiently high light intensity, especially if they are also rigged
up with effective reflectors; but in deep aquaria, meaning more than
45—50cm deep, it is very difficult to offer enough light to small light-
demanding foreground plants. The preferred first remedy for this is
always CO² addition, before any other action is taken! The reason is
that even at very modest light intensities the addition of CO² can very
quickly bring about a significantly obvious change in the performance of
the plants in your aquarium. The exact CO2 dosage may vary
from tank to tank, but concentrations from 10-15ppm will already vastly
improve plant growth. The proof lies in the pudding: Use CO² and you
should see your plants flourish — even plants that were barely able to
survive before!
In fact, use CO2 and within a
short while your main activity will be vigorously pruning, growing and
exchanging plants with other planted tank enthusiasts!
So you see, there is no secret to
successfully growing a planted aquarium. Nor do you need science to
understand the techniques. Those gorgeous planted tanks shown in
pictures have not come about by luck, green fingers or any magic. They
all flourish because of CO² injection!
So how are you going to go about adding
CO² to your aquarium? There are two possibilities for attaining a CO²
dispenser. You can buy a system — streamlined, functional, and coming
with all the bells and whistles, but pricey; or you can build your own
low-cost system, and accept the bit of hassle that goes with it. You
will find diy instructions on the internet, but also check forums to
find out what worked for other aquarists.