
Monday 11 February 2013


 Here we present you with a catalogue of red and pink aquarium plants to help you identify and select  species you may want to use in your aquascape.

Sunday 3 February 2013


Are you getting tired of your landscape? Does it seem like it is all one color - green in the spring and summer and brown in the fall and winter? 
Is there plant material out there that has been there since time began? Have you been trimming those evergreen shrubs faithfully only to see them growing bigger and rounder every year? 
If you say “yes” to any of these questions, then you are definitely ready to upgrade your landscape!
There are quite a few ways you can upgrade your existing landscape. From the less costly to a sizable investment, you can spruce up the curb appeal of your property while adding to the value of your home. 

Evaluate your existing landscape using the following checklist:
• Is there seasonal interest?
• Do you have a flow or theme to your plantings?
• Is there a feature plant or area that draws attention to the best face of your home?
• Do you utilize annual or perennial plants to add splashes of color and foliage interest?
• Could you use stone or brick (hardscape) to enhance certain areas?

Seasonal interest means that there is always something going on in your landscape. This could mean you have bulbs in early spring, then rhododendrons or azaleas blooming. 
A good place to start is by planting annual flowers in the summer and mums in the fall. 

Having a flow in your landscape simply means the layout of your plantings and the groupings of similar or same types of plants. A theme could be a “woodland” area or “butterfly garden” area. 
Sometimes adding a feature plant or utilizing annuals and perennials could make a world of difference in a mature landscape. A feature plant usually is the focal point of your landscape and is typically an ornamental tree or shrub. If you have a lot of open spaces between plantings, annuals and perennials will fill them in nicely and aren’t too costly.
Finally, use stone, boulders, bricks or retaining walls to focalize an area or grouping.

 Add a hardscape walkway or patio for a beautiful entranceway or exit for your home.